
This is a quick update on yesterday’s yogurt making. I checked the yogurt after 8 hours and it was definitely yogurt, but it was still a bit runny. So I gave it another hour…a bit thicker. But why not give it another hour? So it was in the yogurt maker for 10 hours. It was still not as thick as I had hoped, but it wasn’t getting any thicker and by now it was late so I decided it would have to do. I put it in the refrigerator and went to bed.

This morning I checked it.

Had it thickened in the fridge? Maybe a little.

I wonder if the girls will like it? I put some in their plate….

…..added some blueberries and flax seed.

And brought it out to them. As soon as they saw me coming they ran up to see what I had. Here they are waiting at the gate.

No complaints from the girls. They gobbled it up happily!

I am sure my yogurt will improve as I make more and experiment with the process. But for now I am very happy with my first attempt.


About patti

I am a retired kindergarten teacher, tending a new kind of garden now, raising chickens and exploring permaculture. I live with my husband, Bill, my beloved dog, Fergus and my cat, Mighty Merlin. We have a small cottage and a tiny bit of land called Brookwood Shire. It is our sanctuary.
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3 Responses to Yogurt!

  1. Looks good! Somewhere you had said others add dry milk to thicken? Try that to see if it has a consistency you prefer.. The girls are so loved!

  2. I always put about 2 tablespoons of milk powder into my milk when heating it. I don’t use a thermometer any more, I just cook it (stirring) until it starts to boil up. Then I put it in a water bath to cool until it’s slightly warmer than touch (though if it gets totally cold, that doesn’t seem to hurt it). I then mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of old yogurt (my starter) into the milk and put it in the yogurt maker (i.e. put it in a big container with hot water).

    I leave mine for 6 hours. Longer doesn’t make it thicker in my experience, it just gets more and more sour. I then set it on the counter to cool and put it straight in the fridge. It is normally quite thick and even thicker the next day. Often the bottom is very thick and stirring it make the consistency of everything a bit thicker and makes the whole thing creamier.

    I’m not sure, but it does seem to me that if I add more yogurt starter the yogurt does end up thicker at the end. Could be my imagination. Sometimes I have liquid on top, I just stir that it or, more often, mix that with chicken feed to give my girls a treat.

    My girls love yogurt served with anything. I often blend up greens and stir through yogurt. I always try to add a dollup of pure yogurt on top which the girls now expect and gobble first. Their favourite is a bowl of pure yogurt though maybe with flax seed and blueberries they’d have a new fav.

    My husband laughed when I made him look at your photos. He always thinks I spoil my girls but you’ve surpassed me with that plate of gourmet treats!

    • pattigail says:

      Thanks, I will try the dry milk and maybe more yogurt starter too. Though my girls liked it fine. They are ridiculously spoiled. I admit that….but life is short and I like to spoil them. You are not the first person to say, ” I thought I spoiled my girls….but you …” Lucky girls!

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